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Discord name ideas

Trying to impress your friends with a cool discord name? Don't worry, we've got you covered.

If you’re here then you probably know or have used Discord before. If for some reason you haven’t however, it’s an app for gaming in which you and a group of your friends can chat to each other whilst gaming.

It’s one of the most popular apps for doing this and is comparable to the Teamspeak & Ventrilo for example. It’s a blend of a chat UI similar to that of Slack and has the voice chat of the other apps we’ve just mentioned.

But before you get going, after downloading Discord, you’ll be prompted to enter a username. A username that all your friends and fellow gamers are going to see, so it needs to be cool right? That’s something we can help with.

What should I name myself on Discord?

Sat there scratching your head, not sure what to name yourself? There are a couple of routes that you could go down when deciding what to name yourself. Here are a few general ideas of how you could come up with a username:

  • Use your gamer tag
  • Username generators
  • Use a hobby, favourite book or superhero character
  • Is your go to username taken? Google translate it & see what happens!
  • Use words in relation to the game your playing, CODshot, Panenka, etc.

How to create a unique Discord name

Discord usernames don’t have to be unique of course, however, it’s not great if you and multiple other friends in the same group are using the same username. How do you make yours unique? Well, you can use a few of the suggestions we’ve mentioned above, but you could also have a name personal to you which is a lot more likely to be unique. Another great idea is to use an anagrammer to mix up your name or gamertag to make it more unique, here’s a good tool for that – Anagrammer.

How to change your Discord name

Changing your Discord name is fairly easy, and there are just a few steps to follow:

  1. Login to the Discord app
  2. Navigate to the server on the left hand side
  3. Click the area with the server name & the down arrow
  4. There should be something that says “Change nickname”
  5. Enter your nickname and save

You can also change your name in a public chat by simply using /nick followed by the name you want to enter, send that & it will change the nickname.

Funny Discord names

We think of ourselves as quite funny people, so we had a bit of a brainstorm, a giggle and came up with these names you could use:

  1. MultipleScorgasms
  2. GoEasyPls
  3. Unfkable
  4. PoorTiming
  5. YourNameHere
  6. Sniper Llama
  7. Shakey Aim
  8. I Got Shot
  9. That Tickled
  10. StabyMcStab
  11. My_Cat_Had_Puppies
  12. Naked Gamer
  13. Flying Squirrel
  14. MeetMySnipe
  15. The Mass Nerderer

Quirky Discord names

Prefer being a bit more quirky, maybe you’re a bit of a trend-setting hipster. Sounds like you? Then these nicknames should serve you well:

  1. BRBGottakill
  2. My Names Taken
  3. Drocsid (Discord backwards…)
  4. Look_a_penguin
  5. Expired Gamer
  6. Who Shot Me
  7. Prebuilt Killer
  8. Lvl 99 Nerd
  9. Way Too Sober
  10. GTFO My Lawn
  11. Hold My Bullet
  12. Season6ep9
  13. iRageAlot
  14. MisplacedUsername
  15. LolSteveBuscemi

Cool Discord names

Just want to be cool? Here are a couple of nicknames that you can show off with (just don’t tell them you had to Google a username! That’s not that cool):

  1. 8BitLag
  2. Winters Not Coming
  3. SexyShooter
  4. EatMyBullets
  5. Collateral Damage
  6. BeansAndChianti
  7. SmilingSadist
  8. KnifeInGutsOut
  9. The Lonely Butcher
  10. MeetYourMaker
  11. SmashNDash
  12. Sl4ught3r
  13. PurgingTime
  14. P4rg3
  15. TeKillaSunrise

Weird Discord names

Bit edgy, weird? Here are the nicknames we’ve picked out:

  1. Insert Weird Name
  2. Tickle Me Emo
  3. TheVegan
  4. Goat Malester
  5. YourMomsName
  6. IveGotAPwner
  7. HotWebcamBoy
  8. SoulessButHappy
  9. FatNowSlim
  10. Chris P Bacon
  11. Signing Out
  12. PleaseNoDad
  13. Sweaty Granny
  14. Sherlock Homeless
  15. AbortionSurvivor

So Nerdy Team

Hey, just the So Nerdy team here! We're the author you'll see most on this site. We're constantly researching new tech, games & more, and turning them into informative articles for your reading pleasure, so enjoy!

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